Invited Talks, Workshops, Research Visits, Outreach

  1. September 3 - 6, 2025, Messina Set Theory and Topology Conference, Italy, invited lecture.

  2. September 1 - 4, 2025, Conference on the occasion of Jörg Brendle's 60th birthday, Kobe University, Japan, invited lecture.

  3. August 20-22, 2025, 8th Workshop on Generalized Descriptive Set Theory, University of Helsinki, Finnland, invited lecture.

  4. August 11-15, 2025, 39th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, semi-plenary talk at the Set-Theoretic Topology session, University of South Alabama, Mobile, USA.

  5. March 2025, Gdansk Logic Colloquium, Poland, invited lecture.

  6. 28 February 2025, Austrian Day of Women in Math, Austria, keynote speaker

  7. February 2025, Arcitc Set Theory, Finland, invited lecture.

  1. 21 November 2024 (outreach), TUForMath, talk title Das Unendliche zählen

  2. 21 September 2024 (outreach), Simons Science School in Mathematics, talk title Axiomatic Set Theory and the real line

  3. 20 September 2024 (outreach), Simons Science School in Mathematics, talk title Introduction to Sentential and First Order Logic

  4. 18 Juni 2024 (outreach), panel member, Get-together and career advice for young mathematicians organized by the Austrian asssociation of Women in Mathematics.

  5. Nr. 03 Mai/Juni 2024 (outreach), Interview Die Zeit Wissen: Eine Reise zum Rand der Erkenntnis

  6. 22 April 2024, lecture for the visiting student group from University of Groningen, talk title Axiomatic set theory and the real line

  7. 16 March 2024 (outreach) Preisverleihung: m3 - der Mathewettbewerb zu dritt 2024, talk title: Mathematik, jetzt!

  8. 9 March 2024, 57th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, March 6-9, 2024, UNC Charlotte, talk title Filters and Ideal Independence

  9. 28 February 2024, Eventually different, refining and dominating families at the uncountable, Leeds Set Theroy Seminar.

  10. 23 November 2023, VIII Dedekind Lecture ETH Zürich, Switzerland, see Dedekind Lecture Series.

  11. October 9-13, 2023, XVII International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory, Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques, Luminy, France.

  12. July 26-28, 2023, Sixth Workshop on the generalised Baire spaces, TU Wien, Austria, invited speaker.

  13. June 5-9, 2023, Workshop on the Frontiers of Set Theory, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, invited speaker.

  14. May 29 - June 3, 2023, Young Set Theory Workshop, Münster, Germany, invited tutorial speaker.

  15. May 19, 2023, Set Theory Seminar, the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, invited lecture.

  16. May 17, 2023, Mathematics Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago, USA, invited lecture.

  17. May 15 - 19, 2023, Workshop at the American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, CA, invited participant.

  18. May 5 - 7, 2023, First Gdansk Logic Conferece, invited speaker.

  19. April 5, 2023 (outreach): Interview with Lukas Wieselberg (ORF).

  20. March 16, 2023, LVI STDC Memphis, Tennessee, contributed talk.

  21. February 28, 2023, Third A2WiM, contributed talk.

  22. January 28 - February 4, 2023, Winter School in Abstract Analysis, Hejnice, Czech Republic, invited tutorial speaker.

  23. December 17, 2022 (Outreach): Invited Lecture within the framework of the scientific college ("Wissenschaftliches Kolleg") of the German National Academic Foundation ("Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes");

  24. November 30, 2022 (Outreach): Interview/consultant for the New Scientist .

  25. November 21, 2022, Logic Seminar, Paris, invited lecture and research visit.

  26. November 20-25, 2022, Rutgers virtual research visit (Saharon Shelah).

  27. October 4, 2022 (Outreach): Interview for the Austrian Women in Mathematics and IMN ("Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten").

  28. October 26 - 28, 2022, RIMS Set Thory workshop, Kyoto, Japan, contributed talk.

  29. June 6, 2022, IPM logic seminar, invited lecture.

  30. April 11, 2022, University of Kiel, research visit and invited lecture.

  31. April 1, 2022, City University of New York, Set Theory Seminar, invited lecture.

  32. March 25, 2022, City University of New York, Set Theory Seminar, invited lecture.

  33. March 11, 2022, Spring Topology and Dynamical System Conference, Waco, Texas, talk at the special session in Set-Theoretic Topology.

  34. February 8, 2022 University of Leeds Logic Seminar, invited lecture.

  35. February 5, 2022 (Outreach): Lecture for high school students, Mathematik macht Freu(n)de, Österreichische Mathematik-Olympiade

  36. February 2, 2022 (Outreach): Second Austrain Day of Women in Mathematics, invited panel member.

  1. December 7, 2021 (Outreach): Interview/consultant for the New Scientist ("Infinity has long baffled mathematicians - have we now figured it out?" by Timothy Revell).

  2. July 19 - 24, 2021 ASL Logic Colloquium, plenary lecture.

  3. June 9-13, 2021, BLAST 2021 (New Mexico State University - via Zoom), plenary lecture.

  4. May 12 - 16, 2021, 54th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, plenary lecture.

  5. January 29, 2021 - Turin-Udine Logic Seminar, invited lecture.

  6. January 20, 2021, Barcelona Set Theory Seminar, invited lecture.

  7. January 14, 2021, São Paulo Logic Day, invited lecture.

  8. November 19, 2020, HUJI-BIU Set Theory seminar, invited lecture.

  9. November 16, 2020, RIMS Set Theory and topology, contributed talk.

  10. November 4, 2020, University of Wisconsin Logic Seminar, invited lecture.

  11. July 3rd, 2020, CUNY Logic Seminar, invited lecture.

  12. June 20 - 21, 2020, Hamburg Set Theory Workshop (via Zoom), invited lecture.

  13. Canceled: April 22 - 24, 2020, CUNY Set Theory Meeting, New York, USA, invited lecture.

  14. April 5 - 11, 2020, Oberwolfach Set Theory Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, invited lecture.

  15. October 24 - 28, 2019, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, research visit.

  16. May 20 - 23, 2019, North American Annual Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic, New York, plenary lecture.

  17. May 13 - 17, 2019, 50 Years of Set Theory in Toronto, the Fields Institute, Toronto, plenary lecture.

  18. April 2019, Invited Lecture and Research visit, University of Helsinki, Finland.

  19. March 2019, Invited Lecture and Research visit, University of Leeds, England.

  20. February 3 - 6, 2019, research visit, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

  21. January 21 - 26, 2019, 4th Arctic Set Theory workshop, Finland.

  22. December 16 - 20, 2018, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (research visit), Jerusalem, Israel.

  23. November, 2018, RIMS, Kyoto, invited talk and research visit Kobe, Japan.

  24. September 24th, 2018, Colloquium Talk at the Department of Mathematics, York University, Toronto, Canada.

  25. September 21st, 2018, Fields Institute, invited talk, Toronto, Canada.

  26. September 2018 - Joint Meeting of the Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovak and Catalan Mathematical Societies, plenary lecture.

  27. August 22 - 24, 2018, Fourth Generalised Baire Spaces Workshop, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, plenary lecute.

  28. August 12 - 17, 2018, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (research visit), Jerusalem, Israel.

  29. July 2 - 5, 2018, Novi Sad Conference in Set theory and General Topology (SETTOP 2018), plenary lecture.

  30. March 18 - 23, 2017, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (research visit), Jerusalem, Israel.

  31. November 28, 2017 - Invited talk at the Mathematical Logic Seminar, and research visit (26 - 29.11) at University of Hamburg.

  32. November 22, 2017 - Colloquium Talk at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna.

  33. October 8 - 13, 2017, Set Theory Workshop, Luminy, France, plenary lecture.

  34. September 11 - 15, 2017, 17th Annual OEMG Meeting and DMG Congress, Salzburg, Austria.

  35. August 28 - 31, 2017, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (research visit), Jerusalem, Israel.

  36. July 3 -7, 2017, 6th European Set Theory conference, Budapest, Hungary, plenary lecture.

  37. December 2016, Logic Seminar, Graduate Center, CUNY, USA.

  38. December 2016, Set Theory Seminar, Graduate Center, CUNY, USA.

  39. October 17 - 19, 2016, Prague - Vienna Set Theory Workshop, Czech Republic.

  40. September 21 - 23, 2016 - HCM, "Bonn Set Theory Workshop - the Generalized Baire space", Bonn, Germany.

  41. January 2016 - AIM, "High and Low Forcing", San Jose, CA.

  42. June 2015 - University of Bristol, UK.

  43. April 2015 - Technical University of Vienna (Algebra Seminar), Austria.

  44. March 2015 - National University of Singapore, Singapore.

  45. January 2015 - KGRC, University of Vienna, Austria.

  46. December 2014 - Technical University of Vienna (Logic Seminar), Austria.

  47. November 2014 - University of Kobe, Japan.

  48. October 31, 2014 - The Fields Insitute, Toronto, Canada.

  49. July 14 - 19, 2014 - Logic Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, plenary talk.

  50. March 4 - 7, 2014 - INFTY final conference, Bonn, Germany, plenary talk.

  51. February 2014 - University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

  52. January 12 - 18, 2014 - "Set Theory", MFO, Oberwohlfach, Germany.

  53. November 3 - 8, 2013 - "Axiomatic Approaches to Forcing in Set Theory", Banff Internaitonal Research Center, Banff, Canada.

  54. September 2013 - Alfred Renyi, Hungarian Academy of Sciencies, Budapest, Hungary; slides.

  55. September 2 - 6, 2013 -International Conference on Topology and Geometry, joint with the 6th Japan-Mexico Topology Symposium (JAMEX 6), Matsue, Japan; slides.

  56. April 2012 - Young Set Theory 2012, CIRM, France; slides.

  57. March 2012 - ASL Meeting in Wisconsin, Madison, USA; slides.

  58. January 2012 - Joint Workshop Kobe - Vienna, Kobe, Japan; slides

  59. June 2009 - Mathematics Insitutute, University of Bonn, Germany; abstract.

Other Talks
  1. December 2011 - Joint workshop Prague - Vienna, Prague, Czech Republic; slides.

  2. October 2011 - KGRC, University of Vienna, Austria; abstract.

  3. July 2010 - Joint seminar Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and KGRC, Vienna, Austria; slides.

  4. November 2009 - KGRC, University of Vienna, Austria; abstract.

  5. September 2009 - Center for Advanced Studies, Prague, Czech Republic.

  6. August 2009 - Logic Colloquim 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria; slides.

  7. April 2009 - Young Set Theory Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (talk in the discussion session).

  8. November 2008 - KGRC, University of Vienna, Austria; abstract.

  9. October 2008 - KGRC, University of Vienna, Austria; abstract.

  10. August 2008 - RIMS workshop "Combinatorial and Descriptive Set Theory", Kyoto, Japan; slides.

  11. June 2008 - CMS Summer Meeting in Calgary, Canada; abstract.

  12. December 2007, 21st - Toronto Set Theory Seminar, Toronto, Canada; abstract.

  13. December 2007, 7th and 14th - Toronto Set Theory Seminar, Toronto, Canada; abstract.

  14. June 2006 - CMS Summer Meeting in Calgary, Canada; abstract.

Some Expository Talks
  1. Iterations with mixed support Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, August 2, 2007.

  2. The consistency of $\mathfrak{t}=\omega_1< \mathfrak{h}=\omega_2$ Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, July 12, 2007.

  3. Mathias forcing which does not add dominating reals Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, June 7, 2007.

  4. The consistency of arbitrarily large spread between $\mathfrak{u}$ and $\mathfrak{d}$ Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, April 02, 2007.

  5. Partitioning pairs of countable ordinals Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, January 29, 2007.

  6. Nonisomorphism of ultrpowers of countable elementary equivalent models Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, January 8, 2007.

  7. Preservation of the $^\omega\omega$-bounding property Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, December 7, 2005.

  8. Preservation of unboundedness and the consistency of $\mathfrak{b} < \mathfrak{s}$ Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, October 12, 2005.

  9. Preservation of properness under countable support iteration Toronto Graduate Student Set Theory Seminar, October 5, 2005.

Last modified: Thu Feb 13 08:53:02 CET 2025