External links
Related scientific institutions in Vienna
- Vienna University: Faculty of Mathematics
- Vienna University of Technology: Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry and Theory and Logic Group
- Kurt Gödel Society
Our funding sources.
- FWF Austrian Science Fund
- EU Marie Curie
- ÖAW Austrian Academy of Sciences
- ÖAD Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research
- ESF European Science Foundation
- Erasmus Mundus
- Templeton Foundation
- The Kurt Gödel Society
We have received additional funding for conferences from the following sources.
- The federal ministry of science and research
- Wiener Tourismusverband
- Vienna Magistrate MA7
- Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna
- Mathematischer Zirkel
- ASL The Association for Symbolic Logic
Home pages of former members
The following list of home pages of former members is not necessarily complete or up to date.
- Andrew Brooke-Taylor
- Andrés Caicedo
- James Cummings
- Natasha Dobrinen
- Mirna Džamonja
- Tomáš Futáš
- Radek Honzík
- Thomas Johnstone
- Meeri Kesälä
- John Krueger
- Heike Mildenberger
- Boris Piwinger
- Luca Motto Ros
- Marcin Sabok
- Ralf-Dieter Schindler
- David Schrittesser
- Sebastiaan Terwijn
- Katherine Thompson
- Jonathan Verner
- Matteo Viale
- Agatha Walczak-Typke
- Philip Welch
- Wolfgang Wohofsky
- Martin Zeman