The conference will take place at the Erwin Schrödinger Institue (ESI), Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Wien; second floor (= top floor, 2 floors above the ground; sorry, no elevator).
- The ESI on Google Maps
- The ESI office hours are Mo-Fr 8:00-18:00.
- 48.22254 N 16.35629 E (named "ESI" in a .gpx-file for your GPS)
- There will be wlan access and some internet terminals, and copy and printing facilities.
- Coffee and cookies will be provided during most of the time.
- There is also a microwave oven you can use.
- General Website of the ESI (not about the conference)
- Photos of the ESI
Access to the ESI building: The entrance doors of the ESI are locked on weekends and after 18:00 on weekdays. You can get the access code for entering at the administrative office. To leave the Institute when the doors are locked, just press the switch with 'door' on it next to the doors. Please be sure to lock the door behind you. Thank you! The main entrance door to the street is always open.
Some participants will have a desk at the KGRC, which is located on the second floor (above ground) of the building. The KGRC will be open from 8:00 until 18:00 (at least) Monday through Friday.
Below is a floor plan of the KGRC:

Getting around Vienna
To and from the airport
See our general information on KGRC location.
Public Transport
- Planning your trip
- You can plan your trip on public transportation in Vienna here.
- Type of tickets
- If you plan to use public transportation often then the weekly ticket is the best option. It is valid from Monday 0.00 until the next Monday 9.00 in the morning.
In case there are at least 2 persons coming with you and you plan to travel 2-3 days per week, and you plan to always travel together, then the 8-day Climate Ticket is optimal.
Otherwise use Single Trip Tickets. - Where to buy tickets
- You can buy your tickets at a ticket machine in any metro station or S-Bahn station or from a tobacconist. You cannot buy them at tram stops or bus stops. Only single tickets are available from the small ticket machines inside trams. At the other ticket machines you can generally choose whether you want your ticket pre-validated for immediate use. If you buy an unvalidated ticket, make sure not to forget stamping it before use, as ticket inspections are very frequent and the fine is 100 Euros. At most ticket machines you can select any of the following languages: German, English, French, Russian and a few others.
More information can be found here or here.
You can use, e.g., google maps to get directions and estimates of duration. Alternatively you can try ANachB (also for public transport and car).
Restaurants, Supermarkets, etc.
Some of the restaurants and supermarkets close to the KGRC are mentioned in the booklet. Even more information is provided here.
- Opening hours
- Most supermarkets (as well as most other shops in Austria) are closed on Sundays. Würstelstände and many restaurants are open). The Billa supermarkt at Franz Josephs Bahnhof is open on Sundays.
- Cards
- Note that not all restaurants listed below (and none of the supermarkets) accept credit cards. Those that do accept credit cards will often only accept Visa and MasterCard. In general, credit cards are far less common in Austria than in the US. There are many ATM machines (Bankomat) where you can get cash, e.g. next to Hofer or in the Spar (Nußdorfer Straße) or U2 subway station Schottentor.
Supermarkets are the cheapest way to get food, and in all supermarkets, you can get cheap beverages (including wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks, usually not cooled).
Hofer is cheapest among the supermarkets close by, but does not have a Deli counter (but it has pre-packed ham, cheese and bread; and frozen or cooled precooked dishes), neither does it have cooled drinks. Billa and Spar are slightly more expensive, but usually do have Deli counters and cooled drinks.
From a Deli counter, you can get a Semmel (bread roll) filled with Käse (/KAY-ze/, cheese) or Wurst (/WOO-ust/, sausage); about the cheapest lunch you can get (1-2 EUR). Traditional choices for fillings are
- Liptauer (/LIPP-tower/): cream cheese with red bell pepper, usually vegetarian but might contain gelatine. Two versions: scharf (/shuff/) means hot (but isn't really), mild (/milled/) is mild.
- Extrawurst: a very popular choice of sliced sausage; often mit Gurke (/mitt GOOR-ke/, with pickles).
- Various kinds of Schinken (ham)
- Leberkäse (/LAY-bear-KAY-ze/, hard to describe, some form of mixture between sausage and spam, eaten warm, probably disgusting if you have not been raised with it, very popular in Austria).
Some supermarkets in the vincinity:
- Billa Box (Garnisongasse)
- Open: Mo-Fr 7:00-19:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Garnisongasse 18 (Google Maps)
- 48.21708 N 16.35637 E
- Website
- Hofer
- slightly cheaper than Spar or Billa
- Open: Mo-Fr 08:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-18:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Nußdorfer Straße 4-4a (Google Maps)
- 48.22287 N 16.35368 E
- Photo
- Spar (Liechtensteinstraße)
- Open: Mo-Fr 8:00-20:00, Sa 8:00-18:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Liechtensteinstraße 22 (Google Maps)
- 48.21884 N 16.36122 E
- Photo
- Website
- Billa (Campus, Altes AKH)
- Open: Mo-Fr 7:15-19:30, Sa 7:15-18:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Alser Straße 4 (Campus, Altes AKH, 1. Hof) (Google Maps)
- 48.21629 N 16.35283 E
- Photo
- Website
- Spar (Nußdorfer Straße)
- Open: Mo-Fr 8:00-20:00, Sa 8:00-18:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Nußdorfer Straße 22 (Google Maps)
- 48.22491 N 16.35479 E
- Photo
- Website
- Billa (Universitätsstraße)
- Open: Mo-Fr 7:15-19:30, Sa 7:15-18:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Universitätsstraße 6-8 (Google Maps)
- 48.21459 N 16.35727 E
- Website
- Billa (open on Sunday, at train station "Franz Josefs Bahnhof")
- Open: Mo-Su 6:00-21:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Julius Tandler Platz 3 (Google Maps)
- 48.22587 N 16.36101 E
- Website
There are several bakery chains such as Ströck, Anker and Mann. You can get various sandwiches, sometimes slices of Pizza, also desserts such as Kuchen and Strudel. Desserts usually are vegetarian (but some might contain gelatine), some of the snacks are vegetarian as well. Usually not much for vegans (apart from bread). Some stores quite close to the KGRC:
- Ströck (Nußdorferstraße)
- Open: Mo-Fr 6:00-18:30, Sa 7:30-13:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Nußdorferstraße 1 / Währingerstraße (Google Maps)
- 48.22262 N 16.35319 E
- Photo
- Website
- Ströck
- Open: Mo-Fr 6:00-18:30, Sa-So 7:00-12:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Berggasse 13 (Google Maps)
- 48.21827 N 16.36186 E
- Photo
- Website
- Mann
- Open: Mo-Fr 6:30-18:30, Sa 7:00-12:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währingerstraße 16 (Google Maps)
- 48.21712 N 16.35960 E
- Photo
- Website
- Mann (open on Sunday, U2 subway Schottentor)
- Anker (U2 subway Schottentor)
Würstelstand / Falafel / Kebap
A Würstelstand is kind of a traditional kiosk selling grilled and cooked sausages. Quite cheap (about 3 EUR) for the enourmous amounts of fat per serving. Nothing for vegetarians. Popular choices include Käsekrainer (/KAY-ze-CRY-nuh/, reddish, grilled sausage with cheese in it), Bratwurs" (/brutt-WOO-ust/, light brown, grilled sausage) and Frankfurter (pinkish, cooked sausage). Usually you eat that stuff either with Semmel (bread roll) or a slice of Brot (bread); and either with catchup, or with scharfem/Estragon Senf (yellow mustard) or with süßem/Kremser Senf (brown mustard). Alternatively, you can get the sausages in a hot dog bun as well (a much bigger thing than you might be used to from the US); optionally you can also get some pickles (Gurke or Pfefferoni) with that. (Note: Pfefferoni = chili pepper; the sausage sometimes called pepperoni would in Austria be called salami.)
Other kiosks sell Döner Kebap or Falafel (about 3.50 EUR). Döner Kebap is shredded meat in white bread, with salad, onion and tomato; mit allem = with everything also means spiced (slightly hot). Do not get your hopes up if you are vegan: they do sell Falafel, but this may be appaling; for good Falafel, you have to go to Mashu Mashu (far away), tolerable Falafel you can get at the kiosk intersection Währinger Straße and Gürtel (on the little island for the tram-stop), see below under Felafel/Kebab.
You can find many kiosks in walking distance to KGRC (the first two are particularly close by):
- Kebaphaus Meksan
- Open: Mo-So 8:00-22:00
- Address: near tram stop Währinger Straße / Spitalgasse (Google Maps)
- 48.22212 N 16.35391 E
- Photo
- Web info (only German)
- Lenek's Wiener Würstelstand (open during the night)
- Open: Mo-Sa 9:00-6:00 (i.e., until 6am in the morning), So 16:00-6:00
- Address: near tram stop Währinger Straße / Spitalgasse
- 48.22200 N 16.35344 E
- Photo
- Falafel / Kebab (open during the night)
- Open: Mo-Sa 9:00-5:00 (i.e., until 5am in the morning), So 10:00-5:00
- Address: Währinger Straße / Gürtel (on the "tram stop island") (Google Maps)
- 48.22482 N 16.34911 E
- Photo, Photo 2
Student Cafeteria
If you do not want to have lunch in a restaurant, a student cafeteria might be a reasonable low-budget alternative. Usually, there are vegetarian (but not vegan) options in the student caferias. The price is around 5 Euro.
- AAI Mensa
- For a student cafeteria quite ok. One of the menus is vegetarian; smoke-free; outdoor area available...
- Open: Mo-Fr 11:30-15:30
- Address: 1090 Wien, Türkenstraße 3 (Google Maps)
- 48.21676 N 16.36055 E
- Photo
- Website
Restaurants, Cafés, etc.
Tipping is common in Restaurants and Cafés (between 5 and 10 percent, maybe round up to the next Euro). You do not tip in supermarkets or take-away bakeries (tipping situation unclear in restaurant take-away situations).
You are supposed to order a drink in most restaurants. You can just ask for "Leitungswasser" (tap water), which is free, but then the waiters will dislike you. The cheapest alternative usually is Soda (seltzer/soda water, 1-2 EUR), usually cheaper than Mineralwasser (mineral water). The usual size for nonalcoholic drinks is 0.2-0.25 liter (7-8 fl.oz), large is 0.5 liter (about a pint).
Note that many of the restaurants listed below may not accept credit cards.
- Der Wiener Deewan
- Pakistani food with vegetarian options, pay whatever you want. Non-smoking area available.
- Open: Mo-Sa 11-23
- Telephone: (+43 1) 925 11 85
- Address: 1090 Wien, Liechtensteinstraße 10 (Google Maps)
- 48.21707 N 16.36274 E
- Photo
- Website:
- Fresco Grill
- Burritos, Tacos, etc.
- Open: Mo-Fr 11:30-21:00
- Address: 1090 Wien, Liechtensteinstraße 10 (Google Maps)
- Website:
- Weltcafé
- Organic food and coffee, breakfast, daily lunch specials, salads, also vegan dishes. Non-smoking/outdoor areas available.
- Open: daily 9-2
- Telephone: (+43 1) 405 37 41
- Address: 1090 Wien, Schwarzspanierstraße 15 (Google Maps)
- 48.21671 N 16.35756 E
- Photo
- Website:
- Flein
- Light Austrian and international fare, beautiful garden. Outdoor area available.
- Open: Mo-Fr 11:30-15 and 17:30-23:30
- Telephone: (+43 1) 319 76 89
- Address: 1090 Wien, Boltzmanngasse 2 (Corner of Währinger Straße) (Google Maps)
- 48.22035 N 16.35675 E
- Photo
- Universitätsbräuhaus
- Traditional Austrian pub food, barbeque, seasonal specialties. Micro-brewery in house. Non-smoking area available. Nice outdoor areas on the AKH Campus, far away from traffic. Credit cards accepted.
- Open: daily 8-2, warm food until 24
- Telephone: (+43 1) 409 18 15
- Address: 1090 Wien, Alser Straße 4 (Campus, Altes AKH, 1. Hof) (Google Maps)
- 48.21628 N 16.35329 E
- Photo
- Website:
- Giuliano 2
- Pizza and pasta, take-away available. Non-smoking/outdoor areas available.
- Open: daily 11:30-14:30 and 17:30-23:30
- Telephone: (+43 1) 408 57 78
- Address: 1090 Wien, Tendlergasse 3 (Google Maps)
- 48.22096 N 16.35201 E
- Photo
- Website
- Café Weimar
- Viennese café
- Open: Mo-Sa 7:30-24:00, Su: 9:00-24
- Telephone: (+43 1) 317 12 06
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 68 (Google Maps)
- 48.22352 N 16.35162 E
- Website:
- Restaurant D'Landsknecht
- Traditional Viennese Restaurant
- Open: daily 10:00-01:00, warm Viennese food from 11am til midnight
- Telephone: (+43 1) 317 43 48
- Address: 1090 Wien, Porzellangasse 13 (Google Maps)
- 48.21973 N 16.36169 E
- Website:
- Hitomi
- Japanese restaurant. Low prices, in particular for Sushi and Maki.
- Open: Mo-Sa 11:30-22:30
- Telephone: (+43 1) 317 67 01
- Address: 1090 Wien, Liechtensteinstraße 15 (Google Maps)
- 48.21764 N 16.36186 E
- Photo
- Summerstage
- Outdoor areas available. (There is a series of outdoor restaurants along the canal serving a variety of food and drinks.)
- Open: Mo-Sa 17-01, So 15-01
- Telephone: (+43 1) 315 52 02
- Near U4 stop "Roßauer Lände"
- Website:
- Regenbogenstube
- Smoke-free
- Organic food, vegetarian and vegan selection. Set lunch offers (one vegetarian, one with meat or fish). Set lunch slightly cheaper for students.
- Open: Mo-Fr 9:30-21
- Telephone: (+43 1) 961 71 68
- Address: 1090 Wien, Schwarzspanierstraße 18 (Google Maps)
- 48.21685 N 16.35868 E
- Photo
- Stiegl Ambulanz
- Smoke-free
- Bar food, micro-brewery in house. Nice outdoor areas on the AKH Campus, far away from traffic.
- Open: Mo-Sa 11-24, So 11-17, warm food until 22:30, 21 resp.
- Telephone: (+43 1) 402 11 50-0
- Address: 1090 Wien, Alser Straße 4 (Campus, Altes AKH, 1. Hof) (Google Maps)
- 48.21635 N 16.35248 E
- Photo
- Website:
- Vegirant
- Smoke-free
- Offer only vegetarian wholefood dishes.
- Open: Mo-Fr 11:30-18:00
- Telephone: (+43 1) 407 82 87
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 57 (Google Maps)
- 48.22286 N 16.35199 E
- Website:
- Campus Suite
- Smoke-free
- American-style bagel and coffee joint.
- Open: Mo-Fr 8-19, Sa-So 10-18
- Telephone: (+43 1) 276 30 88
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 2-4 (Google Maps)
- 48.21474 N 16.36182 E
- Website:
- Bar Restaurant Café Roth
- Upscale Austrian and Viennese food. Large Austrian wine and beer selection. Non-smoking/outdoor areas available.
- Open: daily 11-24, warm food until 23
- Telephone: (+43 1) 402 79 95
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 1 (Entrance: Rooseveltplatz 15) (Google Maps)
- 48.21630 N 16.35983 E
- Photo
- Website:
- Stomach
- Styrian and international fare, vegetarian options. Good wine selection. Outdoor area available. Reservations strongly recommended.
- Open: We-Sa 16-24, So 10-22, warm food We-Sa 18-23:30, So 12-21:30
- Telephone: (+43 1) 310 20 99
- Address: 1090 Wien, Seegasse 26 (Google Maps)
- 48.22314 N 16.36592 E
- Website:
- Pizzeria Vecchi Amici
- delicious Pizza!
- Open: Mo-So 11:30-23:30
- Telephone: (+43 1) 319 12 86
- Address: 1090 Wien, Lichtensteinstrasse 24 (Google Maps)
- Website:
- Rochus1090
- modern Viennese Kaffeehaus
- Open: Mo-So 09:30-23:00
- Telephone: (+43 1) 962 62 26
- Address: 1090 Wien, Liechtensteinstraße 42 (Google Maps)
- Website:
- Café Francaise
- French Kaffeehaus and restaurant (set lunch)
- Open: Mo-Sa 09:00-24:00
- Telephone: (+43 1) 3190903
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Strasse 6-8 (Google Maps)
- Website:
- Café Stein
- Viennese Café
- Open: Mo-Sa 08:00-01:00, So 09:00-01:00
- Telephone: (+43 1) 319 72 41
- Address: 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 6-8 (Google Maps)
- Website:
- Restaurant Yamm!
- Vegeterian Restaurant, a bit expensive; also a lot of vegan food available
- Open: Mo-Fr 11:00-22:00
- Telephone: (+43 1) 532 05 44
- Address: 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 10 (Google Maps)
- Website: