(with David Aspero) Large cardinals and locally-defined
well-orders of the universe, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157,
pp.1--15, 2009. ( PDF file)
(with Andrew Brooke-Taylor) Large cardinals and gap-1 morasses, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 159, Issues 1-2,
May 2009, Pages 71-99.( PDF file)
(with Vladimir Kanovei) Some natural equivalence relations in the Solovay model, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Univ. Hamburg, vol.78, pp.91--98, 2008. ( PDF file)
(with David Aspero) Definable wellorderings of $H(\omega_2)$ and
CH, Journal of Symbolic Logic 77, No. 4 (2012), pp. 1101--1121. ( PDF file)
(with Menachem Magidor) The number of normal measures , Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol.74, No.3, pp. 1060--1080, 2009. ( PDF file)
(with Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) Measurable cardinals and the cofinality of the symmetric group , Fundamenta Mathematicae 207, pp. 101--122,
2010. ( PDF file)
(with Luca Motto Ros) Analytic equivalence relations and bi-embeddability, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 76, Issue 1
(2011), 243-266.
( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina and Asger T?nquist) The effective theory of Borel equivalence relations, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161, pp. 837--850, 2010. ( PDF file)
(with Katherine Thompson) Negative universality results for graphs, Fundamenta Mathematicae 210 (2010), pp. 269--283.
( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer) Cardinal characteristics and projective
wellorders, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161, pp. 916-922, 2010. ( PDF file)
(with Ajdin Halilovic) The tree property at $\aleph_{\omega+2}$, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol.76, No.2,
pp.477--490, 2011.
( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina) Equivalence relations on classes of computable structures, Computability in Europe 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5635, pp. 198--207, 2009. ( PDF file)
(with Philip Welch) Hypermachines, Journal of Symbolic Logic,
Vol.76, No.2, pp.620--636, 2011. ( PDF file)
(with Andres Caicedo) BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals, Journal of Symbolic Logic, pp. 1126--1136, December 2011. ( PDF file)
(with Martin K?wien) On absoluteness of categoricity in AEC's, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Vol.52, No.4, pp.395--402, 2011. ( PDF file)
BPFA and inner models, Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science (special issue on Mathematical Logic and its Applications), Vol.19, pp.29--36, May 2011.
( PDF file)
Forcing, combinatorics and definability, Proceedings of the 2009 RIMS Workshop on Combinatorical Set Theory and Forcing Theory in
Kyoto, Japan, RIMS Kokyuroku No. 1686, pp. 24-40, 2010. ( PDF file)
Forcings which preserve large cardinals, Proceedings of the 2010
Winter School at Hejnice, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 51,
29--47, 2010. ( PDF file)
(with Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) Projective MAD families, Annals of Pure
and Applied Logic 161 (2010), pp. 1581--1587. ( PDF file)
(with Tapani Hyttinen and Agatha Walczak-Typke) Potential isomorphism of elementary substructures of a strictly stable homogeneous model, Journal of Symbolic Logic,
Vol.76, No.3, pp. 987-1004, September 2011.
( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina, Valentina Harizanov, Julia Knight,
Charles McCoy and Antonio Montalban) Isomorphism relations on
computable structures, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol.77, no.1, pp. 122--132, March 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Sam Buss, Yijia Chen, J?g Flum and Moritz M?ler) Strong isomorphism reductions in complexity theory, Journal of Symbolic Logic, pp. 1381--1402, December 2011. ( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina) On $\Sigma^1_1$ equivalence relations
over the natural numbers, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58, no. 1-2, pp.113--124, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) A definable failure of the singular
cardinal hypothesis, Israel Journal of Mathematics 192 (2012),
pp. 719--762. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) Projective wellorders and MAD families with large continuum, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162, pp. 853--862, 2011. ( PDF file)
(with Tapani Hyttinen and Vadim Kulikov) Generalised
descriptive set theory and classification theory, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. ( PDF file)
(with Tatiana Arrigoni) Foundational implications of the Inner
Model Hypothesis, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol.163,
pp.1360--66, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Peter Holy) Condensation and large cardinals, Fundamenta
Mathematicae 215, no. 2, pp.133--166, 2011.
( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) Fusion and large cardinal preservation, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic Volume 164, Issue 12, December 2013, pp. 1247--1273. ( PDF file)
Equivalence relations in set theory, computability theory,
model theory and complexity theory, in Foundational Adventures:
Essays in Honor of Harvey M. Friedman, College Publications, London. ( PDF file)
(with Mohammad Golshani) Independence of higher Kurepa
Hypotheses, Archive for Mathematical Logic 51, pp. 621--633, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) Easton's Theorem and large cardinals from
optimal hypotheses, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163, No.12,
pp. 1738--1747, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with David Aspero, Miguel-Angel Mota and Marcin Sabok)
Bounded forcing axioms and Baumgartner's conjecture, Annals of Pure
and Applied Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Tapani Hyttinen and Martin K?wien) The non-absoluteness of model existence in uncountable cardinals for $L_{\omega_1\omega}$, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54, No.2, pp. 137--151, 2013. ( PDF file)
(with Tapani Hyttinen) On Borel equivalence relations in
generalized Baire space, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol.51, no.3-4, pp. 299--304, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Andrew Brooke-Taylor) Subcompact cardinals, Square and stationary reflection, Israel Journal of Mathematics. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Asger T?nquist) Projective maximal
families of orthogonal measures with large continuum, Logic and analysis, vol.4, 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) Cardinal
characteristics, projective wellorders and large continuum, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (2013), pp. 763--770. ( PDF file)
The Stable Core, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol.18, no.2,
June 2012, pp. 261--267. ( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina and Andre Nies) Equivalence relations that are $\Sigma_3$ complete for computable reducibility, Lecture notes in Computer Science 7456 LNCS:26--33 2012. ( PDF file)
(with Philipp L?ke) Large cardinals and definable wellorders
without GCH, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) Supercompactness and failures of GCH,
Fundamenta mathematicae 219 (2012), pp. 15--36. ( PDF file)
(with Tatiana Arrigoni) The hyperuniverse program,
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19, No. 1, pp. 77--96, 2013. ( PDF file)
(with Mohammad Golshani) Violating GCH everywhere with a
single real, Journal of Symbolic Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Sakae Fuchino and Hiroshi Sakai) On the
set-generic multiverse, Proceedings of the Singapore Programme on Sets
and Computations. ( PDF file)
(with Michael Rathjen and Andreas Weiermann) Slow consistency.
, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164, No. 3, 2013. ( PDF file)
(with Arnold Beckmann and Sam Buss) Safe-recursive
set functions, Journal of Symbolic Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Peter Holy) A quasi-lower bound on the consistency strength of PFA, Transactions American Mathematical Society. ( PDF file)
(with Vincenzo Dimonte) Rank-into-rank hypotheses and the failure of GCH, Archive for Mathematical Logic.( PDF file)
The completeness of isomorphism, Proceedings of the Workshop on Informatics in honour of Victor Selivanov's 60th birthday, Vol. 1, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 2012, pp. 47--52.( PDF file)
(with Mohammad Golshani) Killing GCH everywhere by a cofinality-preserving forcing notion over a model of GCH, Fundamenta Mathematicae.( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Yurii Khomskii) Co-analytic MAD families and projective wellorders, Archive for Mathematical Logic.( PDF file)
(edited with Martin K?wien and Moritz M?ler) Proceedings
of the CRM Infinity Project, CRM Documents Series, 2013.( PDF file)
(with Ajdin Halilovic) The tree property at $\kappa^{++}$ with $\kappa$ measurable and $2^\kappa$ large, Fundamenta Mathematicae.( PDF file)
(with Liuzhen Wu and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy) The $\Delta_1$
definability of NS at successors, Fundamenta Mathematicae. ( PDF file)
(with Ekaterina Fokina, Julia Knight and Russell Miller)Classes of computable structures with universe a subset of $\omega_1$, Journal of Logic and Computation, vol.23, no.6, pp. 1249--1265, 2013. ( PDF file)
(with Ralf Schindler and David Schrittesser)Coding over core models,Koepke-Welch Festschrift, Tributes 23, College Publications, London, 2014.( PDF file)
(with Peter Holy and Philipp L?ke) Large cardinals and
lightface definable wellorders without GCH, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol.80, no.1, pp. 251--284, 2015. ( PDF file)
(with Liuzhen Wu) Large cardinals and $\Delta_1$ definablity of
the nonstationary ideal. ( PDF file)
(with Vadim Kulikov) Failures of the Silver dichotomy in the generalised Baire space, Journal of Symbolic Logic. ( PDF file)
Consistency of the Silver dichotomy in generalised Baire space, Fundamenta Mathematicae. ( PDF file)
(with James Cummings and Mohammad Golshani) Collapsing the
cardinals of HOD. ( PDF file)
(with Carolin Antos, Radek Honzik and Claudio Ternullo)
Multiverse conceptions and the hyperuniverse programme, Synth\'ese. ( PDF file)
(with Claudio Ternullo) Explaining maximality through the
hyperuniverse programme. ( PDF file)
(with Brent Cody and Radek Honzik) Easton functions and supercompactness, Fundamenta Mathematicae. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Yurii Khomskii) Cichon's diagram and
regularity properties, Archive for Mathematical Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) The tree property at the $\aleph_{2n}$'s
and the failure of the SCH at $\aleph_\omega$, Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, Vol. 166, no.4, pp. 526--552, 2015. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) On strong forms of reflection in set
theory, Mathematical Logic Quarterly. ( PDF file)
(with Liuzhen Wu) Definable normal measures Annals of Pure and
Applied Logic, Volume 166, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 46--60. ( PDF file)
(with John Baldwin, Martin K?wien and Chris Laskowski) Three red herrings around Vaught's conjecture, Transactions AMS. ( PDF file)
(with Laura Fontanella) The tree property at both
$\aleph_{\omega+1}$ and $\aleph_{\omega+2}$, Fundamenta Mathematicae
229 (2015), pp. 83--100. ( PDF file)
(with Tapani Hyttinen and Vadim Kulikov) On Borel
reducibility in Generalised Baire Space, Fundamenta Mathematicae. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Yurii Khomskii) Measure, category and
projective wellorders, Journal of Logic and Analysis 6:8 (2014)
1--25. ( PDF file)
The enriched stable core and the relative rigidity of
HOD. Fundamenta Mathematicae. ( PDF file)
Isomorphism on HYP, Journal of Symbolic Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Yurii Khomskii and Vadim Kulikov) Regularity properties
on the generalised reals, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Yong Cheng and Joel Hamkins) Large cardinals need not be large in HOD, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Claudio Ternullo) The search for new axioms in the
Hyperuniverse Programme, in Objectivity, Realism, and proof, FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 2016. ( PDF file)
(with David Schrittesser) Projective measure without projective
Baire, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. ( PDF file)
(with Li Wei and Tin Lok Wong) Fragments of KP and the
metamathematics of $\alpha$-recursion theory, Archive for Mathematical Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Victor Torres) The tree property at $\omega_2$ and bounded forcing axioms. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik) The definability of satisfaction in outer
models, Journal of Symbolic Logic. ( PDF file)
Evidence for set-theoretic truth and the Hyperuniverse
Programme, Proceedings of the Chiemsee summer school on Proof, Truth and Computation. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer and Asger T?nquist) Definable maximal
cofinitary groups. ( PDF file)
(with Arnold Beckmann, Sam Buss, Moritz M?ler
and Neil Thapen) Cobham recursive set functions. ( PDF file)
(with Andrew Brooke-Taylor, Vera Fischer and Diana
Montoya) Cardinal characteristics at $\kappa$ in a small $u(\kappa)$
model, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. ( PDF file)
(with Carolin Antos) Hyperclass forcing in Morse-Kelley class
theory, Journal of Symbolic Logic ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik and Sarka Stejskalova) The tree property at
$\lambda^{++}$ with $\lambda$ singular strong limit and $2^\lambda$ large.
( PDF file)
(with Arnold Beckmann, Sam Buss, Moritz M?ler and Neil Thapen)
( PDF file)
(with James Cummings, Menachem Magidor, Assaf Rinot and Dima
Sinapova) Ordinal definable subsets of singular cardinals. ( PDF file)
(with Neil Barton) Maximality and ontology. ( PDF file)
Evidence for set-theoretic truth and the hyperuniverse
programme. ( PDF file)
(with Giorgio Laguzzi) A null ideal for inaccessibles. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer, Diego Mejia and Diana Montoya) Matrix iterations and projective wellorders. ( PDF file)
(with Joerg Brendle, Andrew Brooke-Taylor and Diana Montoya)
The Cichon diagram at $\kappa$. ( PDF file)
(with James Cummings, Menachem Magidor, Assaf Rinot and Dima
Sinapova) The eightfold way. ( PDF file)
(with Arnold Beckmann, Sam Buss, Moritz M\"uller and Neil Thapen) Feasible set
have small circuits.
( PDF file)
(with Vika Gitman and Vladimir Kanovei) A model of 2nd order arithmetic satisfying AC but not DC.
( PDF file)
(with Neil Barton) Set theory and structures. ( PDF file)
(with Radek Honzik and Sarka Stejskalova) The tree property at alphe_omega+2 with aleph_omega strong limit and 2^aleph_omega large. ( PDF file)
(with Stefan Hoffelner) A Sigma-1-4 wellorder of the reals with NS
saturated. ( PDF file)
(with Dan Hathaway) Generic coding with help and amalgamation failure. ( PDF file)
(with Vera Fischer, David Schrittesser and Asger Toernquist) Good
projective witnesses. ( PDF file)
(with Carolin Antos and Neil Barton) Universism and width
extensions of V. ( PDF file)
(with Carolin Antos and Vika Gitman) Boolean-valued class
forcing. ( PDF file)
(with Monroe Eskew) Elementary embeddings and correctness. ( PDF file)
(with Daniel Soukup) On the complexity of classes of
uncountable structures: Trees on omega_1. ( PDF file)
(with Maxwell Levine) Patterns of stationary reflection. ( PDF file)
(with Vika Gitman and Sandra Mueller) Structural properties of the
Stable Core. ( PDF file)
(with Claudio Ternullo) Maximality principles in the
Hyperuniverse Programme. ( PDF file)
Trapping cofinality. ( PDF file)
Capturing the Universe. ( PDF file)
Some Lectures
- The Appeal of $0^\#$, Lecture at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm, September, 2000. ( PDF file)
- Seven Aspects of Pure Set Theory, German Logic Society meeting at Dresden, September, 2000. ( PDF file)
- Cantor's set theory from a modern point of view, German Nathematics Society meeting at Halle, September, 2002. ( PDF file)
- G?el's Achievements and their Significance for Modern Mathematics (English version), Austrian Academy of Sciences, December 2003. ( PDF file)
- Criteria for the Choice of New Axioms, Barcelona Workshop on the Foundations of Set Theory, June 2004. ( PDF file)
- Internal consistency and the inner model hypothesis , Logic in Hungary, Budapest, August 2005. ( PDF file)
- Large cardinals and L-like universes , British Logic Colloquium, Bristol, September 2005. ( PDF file)
- Generalisations of G?el's universe of constructible sets , G?el Symposium Lecture, Annual Meeting of the ASL, Montreal, May 2006. ( PDF file)
- Cantor's set theory from a modern point of view, International conference on Euler and Modern Combinatorics, St. Peterburg, June, 2007. ( PDF file)
- Perfect trees and large cardinals, First European Set Theory meeting, Bedlewo, Poland, July, 2007. ( PDF file)
- Research at the KGRC, Methods of Logic in Mathematics V (3-lecture tutorial), St.Peterburg, June, 2008. ( PDF file)
- Internal consistency, Set theory workshop, Luminy, September, 2008. ( PDF file)
- The Hyperuniverse and G?el Maximality, CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, October, 2008. ( PDF file)
- Forcing when there are large cardinals, Hejnice winter school, February 2009. ( PDF file)
- The foundations of set theory: Past, Present and Future, Singapore math colloquium, February 2009 ( PDF file)
- The effective theory of Borel equivalence relations, Singapore logic seminar, February 2009. ( PDF file)
- Descriptive set theory for finite structures, St.Peterburg-Vienna joint seminar, June 2009. ( PDF file)
- The outer model programme and quasi lower bounds, 2nd European set theory meeting, Bedlewo, July 2009. ( PDF file)
- Forcing, combinatorics and definability (tutorial), RIMS
workshop on combinatorial set theory and forcing theory, Kyoto, November 2009 ( PDF file)
- Forcings which preserve large cardinals, 38th Czech winter
school in abstract analysis (tutorial), Hejnice, February 2010 ( PDF file)
- Equivalence relations in set, computation and complexity
theory, Mal'tsev Meeting, Novosibirsk, May 2010 ( PDF file)
- Shelah classification and higher descriptive set theory, Set
theory workshop, Luminy, October 2010 ( PDF file)
- On Bukovsky's theorem, Torino set theory workshop, November 2010 ( PDF file)
- Cardinal characteristics and definability, Kobe set theory
seminar, November 2010 ( PDF file)
- Combinatorics and large cardinals, Meeting in honour of Andras
Hajnal, Budapest, June 2011 ( PDF file)
- Polynomial-time set recursion, Complexity in Europe:
Transfinite computation, Sofia, June 2011 ( PDF file)
- The CRM Infinity Project, opening lecture of the CRM Infinity Conference, Bellaterra, July 2011 ( PDF file)
- The Hyperuniverse, Sevilla workshop on set theory and its philosophy, November 2011 ( PDF file)
- The Hyperuniverse, MALOA lectures at M?ster, October 2012 ( PDF file)
- The current state of the foundations of set theory, Math Department, TU Graz, March 2013 ( PDF file)
- The completeness of isomorphism, Special session on computable
structure theory, ASL Annual Meeting at Waterloo, May 2013 ( PDF file)
- Descriptive set theory on generalised Baire space, Young Set
Theory Tutorial, Oropa, Italy, June 2013 ( PDF file)
- Cardinals and ordinal definability, Erdos Centennial, Budapest, July 2013 ( PDF file)
- Intrinsic evidence for set-theoretic truth, Lollifest, Torino, December 2013 ( PDF file)
- The Silver dichotomy for generalised Baire Space,
Descriptive Set Theory in Paris, December 2013 ( PDF file)
- $\Delta_1$ definability of the nonstationary ideal, Freiburg Set Theory workshop, June 2014 ( PDF file)
- The Hyperuniverse Programme, Chiemsee summer school, July 2014 ( PDF file)
- News about HOD, Set Theory section, joint German-Polish mathematics meeting, Poznan September 2014 ( PDF file)
- The Descriptive Set Theory of Generalised Baire Space,
Descriptive Set Theory in Paris, December 2014 ( PDF file)
- The current state of the foundations of set theory,Heidelberg Mathematics Colloquium, Heidelberg, May 2015 ( PDF file)
- Vaught's conjecture and absoluteness, 2nd Berkeley Conference on Vaught's Conjecture, June 2015 ( PDF file)
- Descriptive set theory and absoluteness, Descriptive Set Theory in Paris, December 2015 ( PDF file)
Course Notes, Reviews
- Topics in Set Theory, Institut f? Formale Logik, 2001-2002. ( PDF file)
- Descriptive set theory, Institut f? Formale Logik, 2003. ( PDF file)
- Absoluteness in set theory, Institut f? Formale Logik, 2004. ( PDF file)
- Internal and external consistency, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2005. ( PDF file)
- Kommentar zu G?els 1931 Montashefte Artikel ?er die Unvollst?digkeit, 2006. ( PDF file)
- Stationary reflection, saturated ideals, the tree property and Jonsson cardinals, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2006. ( PDF file)
- Prikry-type forcing, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2007. ( PDF file)
- Isomorphism relations, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2008. ( PDF file)
- Definable wellorders, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2009. ( PDF file)
- Singular cardinal combinatorics, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2010. ( PDF file)
- The higher descriptive set theory of isomorphism, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2010. ( PDF file)
- Ideals and generic elementary embeddings; large cardinals and
combinatorial principles, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2011. ( PDF file)
- Descriptive complexity theory, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2011. ( PDF file)
- P-Max and the stationary tower, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2012. ( PDF file)
- Infinity lectures (interdisciplinary topics in logic), Kurt G?el Research Center, 2012. ( PDF file)
- Invariant descriptive set theory (on classical and generalised Baire space), Kurt G?el Research Center, 2013. ( PDF file)
- Cardinal characteristics of the uncountable, Kurt G?el
Research Center, 2014. ( PDF file)
- The Philosophy and mathematics of set-theoretic truth , Kurt G?el Research Center, 2014. ( PDF file)
- HOD and the Stable Core, Kurt G?el Research Center,
2015. ( PDF file)
- Trees, reflection and approachability, Kurt G?el Research Center, 2016. ( PDF file)
- The Hyperuniverse , Kurt G?el Research Center, 2017. ( PDF file)
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