Hotel Details
A remark on Viennese phone numbers, using the KGRC number as example:
- +43 1 4277 50501 is number you use from abroad.
- 01 4277 50501 is the number you use from an Austrian mobile phone, as well as from an Austria landline outside of Vienna
- 4277 50501 is the number you use from a Viennese landline
- 0 4277 50501 is the number you use from a university phone (as the first 0 will just give you a Viennese landline)
- Adress:
- Skodagasse 15
1080 Wien
Tel. 01 4056266 - How to book:
- Send us an email.
- Cancellation policy:
- 3 days before arrival: No charge.
Later or no show: One night
Ani and Ani-Falstaff
- Adress Ani:
- Kinderspitalgasse 1
1090 Wien
Tel 01 40810600 - Adress Ani-Falstaff:
- Müllnergasse 5-7
1090 Wien
Tel 01 3179127 - How to book:
- Send us an email.
- Cancellation policy:
- Until 2013-05-20: no charge
Up to 72h before arrival in duly justified cases (such as illness): no charge.
Later: one night.
No Show: 3 nights. - Note:
- Please also tell us the time of your arrival in Vienna, as soon as you know it (the regular opening hours of the reception are 07:00-21:00, upon notification the reception will be staffed on other times as well.)
Bleckmann and Hotel Boltzmann
- Address Bleckmann:
- Währinger Str 15
1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 408 08 99
Fax: +43 1 402 20 24 - Address Boltzmann:
- Boltzmanngasse 8
1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 354 50 0
F: +43 1 354 50 816
e-mail: - How to book:
- Use the booking code SDF60
Send an email a Fax or call (you can contact both hotels for bookings, they have the same management) and give the following information:
I book a single room in [Boltzmann/Bleckmann] for the SDF60 Conference, July 7-13, 2013, for the special price of [82/69] EUR.
[Your Name], Credit card: [Type and Number], [Valid until], [CVC/CVV Code]
(If you do not get a confirmation, send us an email.) - Cancellation policy:
- Up to three days before arrival: no charge.
Up to 24h before arrival: one night,
No show: 100%
- Address:
- Althanstrasse 5
1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 313 48 - 802
Fax: +43 1 313 48 - 801
email: - How to book:
- Use the booking code SDF60
Send an email or a fax, or call and give the following information:
I book a [standard/deluxe] single room for the SDF60 Conference, July 7-13, 2013, for the special price of [87/110] EUR.
[Your Name], Credit card: [Type and Number], [Valid until], [CVC/CVV Code]
(If you do not get a confirmation, send us an email.) - Cancellation policy:
- Up to 24h before arrival: no charge.
Later or no show: 1 night.
- Address:
- Pasteurgasse 1
1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 319 2522-112
Fax: +43 1 319 2522-800
email: - How to book:
- Use the booking code SDF60
Send an email or a fax or call and give the following information:
I book a single room in Strudlhof for the SDF60 Conference, July 7-13, 2013, for the special price of 110 EUR.
[Your Name], Credit card: [Type and Number], [Valid until], [CVC/CVV Code]
(If you do not get a confirmation, send us an email.) - Cancellation policy:
- Up to 24h before arrival: no charge.
Later or no show: one night
Hotel Kaiser Franz Josef
- Address
- Sieveringer Straße 4
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 1-32900-0
Fax: +43 1-3207355 - How to book:
- Send an email to
- Cancellation policy:
- (when we last checked, but please confirm yourself):
Up to 24h before arrival: no charge.
Later or no show: one night
Hotel Atlanta
- Address:
- Währinger Straße 33
A-1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 405 12 30
Fax: +43 1 405 53 75 - How to book:
- Use the online booking form at the hotel website
- Cancellation policy:
- (when we last checked, but please confirm yourself):
Up to 24h before arrival: no charge.
Later or no show: one night