Basic funding and orgainsation is provided by the Erwin Schrödinger Instite (ESI). We gratefully acknowledge that the following institutions also support the meeting.
We use funds from the following sources for the workshop:
- The seventh framework programme of European Union with an ERG grant of the "People Marie Curie Actions".
- The Kurt Gödel Research Center (KGRC) of the University of Vienna.
- The Austrian Government via the Ministry of Science and Research.
- Wien Kultur of the City of Vienna's department for culture.
- The Die Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (OeFG) with its programme "Internationale Kommunikation".
- The Kurt Gödel Society (KGS).
Grants given by the following institutions contain travel money that facilitate participation at the workshop:
- The Austrian Science Foundation FWF with a Meitner grant and two stand-alone projects.
- The European Science Foundation (ESF) with its Research Networking Programme "New Frontiers of Infinity".
- ASL: The Association for Symbolic Logic, with its student travel awards.
- OeAD, Der österreichische Austauschdienst, with two projects "Scientific and Technological Co-Operation".