Links to pdf files and preprints
- Alessandro Andretta
- Some descriptive set theory related to the Lebesgue density theorem
slides - Arthur Apter
- Indestructible strong compactness but not supercompactness
slides preprint(s) - David Aspero
- A reflection principle compatible with the continuum large (1)
slides - Joan Bagaria
- C^(n)-cardinals
slides - Jörg Brendle
- Cardinal invariants of analytic quotients
slides - Riccardo Camerlo
- Standard universal dendrites as small Polish structures
slides - Samuel Coskey
- On dimension and Borel reducibility
slides preprint(s) - Vincenzo Dimonte
- Non-proper elementary embeddings beyond L(V_{lambda+1})
slides - Natasha Dobrinen
- Tukey degrees of ultrafilters
slides - Pandelis Dodos
- Applications of Descriptive Set Theory in the Geometry of Banach spaces
slides - Ilijas Farah
- Nonseparable UHF algebras
slides - Valentin Ferenczi
- Complexity of isomorphism between Banach spaces and inevitable list of Gowers
slides - Matt Foreman
- Inner models for huge cardinals and Strong Chang's Conjecture
- Matt Foreman
- Models for Measure Preserving Transformations
- Sakae Fuchino
- Fodor-type reflection principle and its "mathematical" characterizations
slides(1) slides(2) - Su Gao
- The Descriptive Complexity of Free Bernoulli Subflows
slides - Victoria Gitman
- Ramsey-like cardinals
slides preprint(s) - Joel David Hamkins
- General relations of the set-theoretic universe to its forcing extensions and grounds
- Greg Hjorth
- Yet another proof of Gaboriau-Popa
slides - Radek Honzik
- Large cardinals and the continuum function
slides preprint(s) - Michael Hrusak
- Katetov order on Borel ideals
slides - Daisuke Ikegami
- Real Blackwell Determinacy
slides - Tetsuya Ishiu
- A precipitous club guessing ideal on omega_1
slides preprint(s) - Stephen Jackson
- New partition results from AD
- Thomas Johnstone
- Substituting Supercompactness by Strong Unfoldability
slides - Vladimir Kanovei
- On definability of some counterexamples in descriptive set theory
- Bernhard Koenig
- Different ways to produce non-special omega_2-Aronszajntrees
slides - John Krueger
- The Weak Reflection Principle Versus the Reflection Principle
slides preprint(s) - Claude Laflamme
- Partitions and Indivisibility Properties of Countable Dimensional Vector Spaces
slides - Paul Larson
- Universally measurable sets in generic extensions
slides - Jordi Lopez-Abad
- Generic constructions of Banach spaces
slides - Benedikt Löwe
- Eventually Different Forcing at the Second Level of the Projective Hierarchy
slides - Tamás Mátrai
- Cofinal types of definable directed orders
slides - Julien Melleray
- Metric structures and applications to the theory of topological groups
slides - Heike Mildenberger
- Proper translation
slides - Ben Miller
- Forceless, ineffective, powerless proofs of descriptive set-theoretic dichotomy theorems.
slides - J. Donald Monk
- Towers in Boolean algebras
slides preprint(s) - Miguel Angel Mota
- A reflection principle with the continuum large (2)
slides - Luca Motto Ros
- A universality property for analytic equivalence relations and quasi-orders
slides preprint(s) - Lionel Nguyen Van The
- Structural Ramsey theory and topological dynamics
slides(1) slides(2) slides(3) - Janusz Pawlikowski
- Playing with countable support iteration
slides - Assaf Rinot
- Diamond on successors of singulars
slides - Christian Rosendal
- Infinite asymptotic games and an exact Ramsey principle for block sequences
slides - Marcin Sabok
- On forcing with sigma-ideals of closed sets
slides - Norbert Sauer
- On partitions of relational structures
- Ralf Schindler
- Bounded forcing axioms and reflection
preprint(1) preprint(2) - Philipp Schlicht
- Thin equivalence relations in scaled pointclasses
slides - Farmer Schlutzenberg
- Homogeneously Suslin sets in mice with Woodin cardinals
- Dima Sinapova
- Exploring Singular Cardinal Combinatorics
slides - Lajos Soukup
- On properties of families of sets
slides preprint(s) - Mack Stanley
- The Largest Large Cardinal and the Inner Model Hypothesis
- Simon Thomas
- Some Consequences of Martin's Conjecture
slides - Katherine Thompson
- Nonexistence of universal models at the successors of singular strong limit cardinals
preprint(s) - Asger Törnquist
- The lifting problem for the group of measure preserving transformations of the unit interval
slides - Victor Torres
- Rado's Conjecture, Saturation of the nonstationary ideal on omega_1, and two cardinal diamonds
slides - Matteo Viale
- Some questions on the models of MM
slides - Teruyuki Yorioka
- CCC without random reals
slides - Miroslav Zeleny
- Games and sigma-porosity